Batman Returns
Batman Returns is a 1992 superhero film directed by Tim Burton and starring Michael Keaton as Batman. The film is a sequel to the 1989 film Batman and features the Caped Crusader battling against the villainous Penguin, played by Danny DeVito, and the seductive Catwoman, played by Michelle Pfeiffer. The film received mixed reviews upon its release, with some praising its dark and gothic atmosphere while others criticized its violence and sexual content. Despite this, the film was a commercial success and has since gained a cult following. It was also nominated for two Academy Awards for its visual effects and makeup.
Answer questions like ...
- What is the name of the circus gang that the Penguin leads?
- What is the name of the device that the Penguin uses to control Gotham City?
- What is the name of the villain in Batman Returns?
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