Batman: The Movie
Batman: The Movie is a 1966 American superhero film based on the Batman television series. The film stars Adam West as Batman and Burt Ward as Robin, with a supporting cast featuring Lee Meriwether as Catwoman, Cesar Romero as the Joker, Burgess Meredith as the Penguin, and Frank Gorshin as the Riddler. The plot revolves around Batman and Robin trying to stop the four villains from taking over the world with a dehydrator that can turn people into dust. The film was directed by Leslie H. Martinson and was released by 20th Century Fox. It received mixed reviews upon release but has since gained a cult following.
Answer questions like ...
- Who played the role of Robin in the movie?
- Where does Batman keep his Batmobile in the movie?
- What is the name of the villain who tries to dehydrate the United Nations Security Council in the movie?
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