Finding Nemo
Finding Nemo is a 2003 animated movie produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The movie tells the story of a clownfish named Marlin who sets out on a journey to find his son Nemo, who was captured by a diver and taken to a dentist's office in Sydney. Along the way, Marlin meets a forgetful fish named Dory who helps him navigate the ocean and overcome obstacles. The movie features stunning animation, memorable characters, and a heartwarming story about the power of family and friendship. Finding Nemo was a critical and commercial success, grossing over $940 million worldwide and winning the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature.
Answer questions like ...
- Where does Finding Nemo take place?
- How does the movie Finding Nemo end?
- How does Dory's short-term memory loss affect the journey?
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