The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises is a 2012 superhero film directed by Christopher Nolan and starring Christian Bale as Batman. The film takes place eight years after the events of The Dark Knight, with Batman returning to Gotham City to face the threat of the villainous Bane, who seeks to destroy the city. Alongside Bale, the film features an ensemble cast including Anne Hathaway, Tom Hardy, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. The film received positive reviews for its performances, action sequences, and themes of redemption and sacrifice. It grossed over $1 billion at the box office and was nominated for several awards, including an Academy Award for Best Visual Effects.
Answer questions like ...
- Where does most of the action take place in The Dark Knight Rises?
- When was The Dark Knight Rises released?
- Which character becomes the new Batman at the end of The Dark Knight Rises?
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