Fantasia is a 1940 animated film produced by Walt Disney. It consists of eight animated segments set to classical music pieces conducted by Leopold Stokowski. The segments include abstract animation, a retelling of The Sorcerer's Apprentice, and depictions of mythical creatures such as centaurs and unicorns. The film was a departure from Disney's usual narrative-driven films and was intended to be a highbrow artistic endeavor. It received mixed reviews upon release but has since become a cult classic and is considered a landmark in animation history. The film has been re-released several times and has inspired a sequel and a live concert series.
Answer questions like ...
- What is the name of the powerful sorcerer in Fantasia?
- What is the name of the segment featuring a centaur and a centaurette falling in love?
- What is the name of the segment featuring a family of whales?
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