The Rescuers
The Rescuers is a 1977 animated film produced by Walt Disney Productions. The movie follows the story of two mice, Bernard and Miss Bianca, who are members of the Rescue Aid Society, an organization that helps rescue those in need. They are tasked with rescuing a young orphan girl named Penny who has been kidnapped by the evil Madame Medusa. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles and challenges, including a group of alligators and a dangerous swamp. The film was directed by John Lounsbery, Wolfgang Reitherman, and Art Stevens and features the voices of Bob Newhart, Eva Gabor, and Geraldine Page. It was a commercial success and received positive reviews from critics.
Answer questions like ...
- Who are the main characters in The Rescuers?
- What is the name of the albatross who helps Bernard and Bianca?
- What is the name of the diamond that Madame Medusa is trying to find in The Rescuers?
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