Pinocchio is a classic Disney movie released in 1940. It tells the story of a wooden puppet named Pinocchio who dreams of becoming a real boy. He is brought to life by a fairy and is guided by a cricket named Jiminy. Pinocchio faces many challenges and temptations on his journey, including being lured to Pleasure Island where misbehaving boys turn into donkeys. He eventually learns the importance of honesty, bravery, and selflessness, and his wish to become a real boy is granted. The movie features memorable songs such as "When You Wish Upon a Star" and has become a beloved classic for generations. Verified.
Answer questions like ...
- Where does Pinocchio live at the beginning of the movie?
- Where did the Coachman want disobedient boys to be taken to?
- Which fairy brings Pinocchio to life?
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