Ozark - TV Series
Ozark is a gripping crime drama series on Netflix, created by Bill Dubuque and Mark Williams. Premiering in 2017, it stars Jason Bateman and Laura Linney as Marty and Wendy Byrde, a couple entangled in a money laundering scheme for a Mexican drug cartel. Set in the picturesque yet dangerous Ozark region, the show explores the Byrdes' struggle to survive and protect their family amidst escalating threats. With its dark, intense storyline, stellar performances, and intricate character development, Ozark has garnered critical acclaim, earning multiple Emmy nominations and solidifying its status as a must-watch series.
Answer questions like ...
- Who is the main character in Ozark?
- Which business does Marty Byrde launder money through?
- What business does Marty Byrde purchase to launder money?
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