Narcos: The Ultimate Drug Lord Quiz
Narcos is a crime drama TV series that premiered on Netflix in 2015. The show is based on the true story of the rise and fall of the Medellin drug cartel in Colombia during the late 20th century. The series follows the life of drug lord Pablo Escobar and the efforts of law enforcement to bring him down. The show is known for its gritty portrayal of the drug trade and its impact on society, as well as its complex characters and intense action sequences. Narcos has received critical acclaim for its writing, acting, and direction, and has been praised for its accurate depiction of historical events.
Answer questions like ...
- What is the name of the Cali Cartel leader who is the main antagonist in Season 3 of Narcos?
- Who is the Colombian president who orders the raid on the prison where Pablo Escobar is being held?
- What is the name of the Colombian drug lord who becomes Pablo Escobar's rival?
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