Suits - American TV Series
Suits is a captivating legal drama series that aired from 2011 to 2019, spanning nine seasons. Set in a prestigious New York law firm, the show follows the story of college dropout Mike Ross, who starts practicing law despite lacking a degree. He partners with the firm's top attorney, Harvey Specter, and together they tackle high-stakes cases while keeping Mike's secret hidden. The show is known for its witty dialogue, complex characters, and intriguing storylines, exploring themes of loyalty, ethics, and ambition. Suits stars Gabriel Macht, Patrick J. Adams, Meghan Markle, and Sarah Rafferty, among others.
Answer questions like ...
- What is the name of the law firm in Suits after Jessica Pearson leaves?
- Which episode title refers to a chess move in Season 2?
- What is the title of the 100th episode of Suits?
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