John C. Wright's The Golden Age
The Golden Age is a science fiction novel by John C. Wright that takes place in a far future world where humans have achieved immortality through technology. The story follows Phaethon, a member of the ruling class who discovers a conspiracy that threatens the stability of society. Along with his friend, Orphu of Io, and a sentient computer program named Helion, Phaethon sets out to uncover the truth and save his society. The novel explores themes of identity, morality, and the consequences of unchecked technological advancement. It is the first book in the "Golden Age" trilogy.
Answer questions like ...
- What is the name of the magical creature that Aurelian befriends?
- What is the name of the magical kingdom that Aurelian visits?
- What is the name of the magical artifact that Aurelian uses to defeat Morgon?
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